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Tips for having a Safe Diwali



Tips for having a Safe Diwali

Lucknow : Tips for having a Safe Diwali

Introduction :Diwali is a festival that has an amazing quality of not just brightening our lives but make it more interesting with the festivities associated with it.

A little precaution could add more sparkle to Diwali, and even a bit of callousness could lead to very  fatal consequences.Emergencies are uncertain and can happen to anyone and any point of time, hence it is also equally important that while enjoying the festival proper care is taken.

Emergencies during Diwali occur mainly because of unsafe bursting of crackers and not taking proper precaution while lightening lamps. While, excessive eating of sweets and unhygienic foods leads to acute abdomen or food positioning. Also too much of dust and smoke of crackers leads to respiratory problem, so precautions are necessary, say experts.

Safety Tips : 

Burst crackers in open spaces and keeping a safe distance
Do not light oil lamps and crackers at home
Ensure fire extinguishers are in working condition
Do not keep crackers near fire
Staircase and refuge area should be kept free to escape while in emergency
Do not overload an electric socket as it may harm .
Roads should be kept free for passage of fire brigade vehicles
Don’t use powder or ghee or any other home remedies on burnt body surface, this always creates a chance of infection.
In case of any emergency, rush to the nearest hospital.                                                                                                      Always keep a first aid kit and a bucket of water or bag of sand handyLight them in open spaces                             Avoid synthetic and loose clothes                                                                                                                                               Apply ice in case of a burn                                                                                                                                                            Avoid noisy firecrackers and those with high heavy metal content

Have a happy and safe Diwali

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Dr. Abhishek Verma Dedicates a Shelter in Memory of His Mother, Veena Verma, at KGMU; Inaugurated by Daughter Nicolle Verma




World-renowned business tycoon Dr. Abhishek Verma has supported Foodman Vishal Singh’s Hunger-Free World mission. In memory of his mother, Late Veena Verma, who was a 3 term Rajya Sabha MP.

Dr. Verma dedicated a state-of-the-art free permanent shelter for the attendants of patients at KGMU Medical University, Lucknow, under the aegis of Vijay Shree Foundation. His daughter, Nicolle Verma, inaugurated the shelter.

During the event, Foodman Vishal Singh honored Nicolle Verma by presenting her with a memento. Mrs. Nidhi Sharma and Avantika Yadav, associated with the organization, welcomed her with garlands. Following this, Nicolle Verma distributed essential items to the attendants and also handed out fruits. She became emotional remembering her grandmother on her birth anniversary.

On this occasion, she also inaugurated the “Veena Verma Sevalaya” in memory of her grandmother, Veena Verma, to serve the attendants. She expressed, “I feel proud that my family is engaged in nation-building as well as social service. Today, in collaboration with Vijay Shree Foundation founder Foodman Vishal Singh Ji, I feel immensely proud to dedicate this shelter for the poor, helpless, and needy attendants of patients battling serious illnesses like cancer. I am honored to be associated with the Hunger-Free World Mission for humanity.”

Inspired by the continuous humanitarian service provided by Vijay Shree Foundation over the past 17 years, Nicolle Verma donated 10 lakh rupees to support the cause. The purpose of this donation is to ensure that services continue for the needy attendants of patients suffering from severe illnesses in hospitals, as facilitated by Foodman Vishal Singh.

It is noteworthy that Dr. Abhishek Verma’s family has a legacy of public and philanthropic service. They are helping millions to carry forward the values and service work of their parents. On the occasion of his mother’s birth anniversary, Dr. Abhishek Verma dedicated this state-of-the-art permanent shelter at Lucknow Medical College to serve the attendants of patients through the Vijay Shree Foundation.

Supporting Foodman Vishal Singh’s Hunger-Free World mission, Dr. Abhishek Verma assured that he would continually support keeping this flame of humanity alive. He also promised to assist in providing medicines to the helpless patients.

Continuing her grandmother’s legacy of service, Nicolle Verma personally served food to the needy patients and attendants. She said, “It is our good fortune to have received the joy of doing this noble work today through Foodman Vishal Singh. I have taken another step forward in carrying my family’s values and cooperation by joining hands with the Vijay Shree Foundation. My father taught me to serve and help the needy, and I feel happy when I bring a smile to someone’s face.”

On the birth anniversary of the late Veena Verma, the event organizer, Vijay Shree Foundation founder Foodman Vishal Singh, said, “We feel proud and happy that Dr. Abhishek Verma, a globally renowned business tycoon, has extended his support to uplift our country from the hunger index. Today, on his mother’s birth anniversary, he inaugurated a state-of-the-art permanent shelter at Lucknow Medical College, which will always be helpful for the needy attendants of patients. It is a pleasure for me and the organization to receive the affection of Mr. Verma.”

The event was attended by General Manager Verma Family Office Hemant Garg, Sonu Rajput, and the organization’s volunteers, including Sandeep Singh, Parmeshwar Ji, Prashant Rao Gautam, Balram Singh, Ramesh Chaudhary, Suman, Jeetu, Anil, Suraj, Vinay, Manish Bhadauria, Manas Mehrotra, Vivek, Apurv, Happy, and others.

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