Dark chocolate known as one of the best superfoods. If you eat dark chocolate to satisfy a craving, you are also helping your heart and health with every bite . Real dark chocolate is a good source of some of the same antioxidants found in tea, red wine, and apples. These special nutrients help protect cells from damaging free radicals, which can cause premature aging and increase risk of things like heart disease and cancer.. Dark chocolates can be healthy too. Dark chocolate is also preloaded with decent amounts of soluble fiber and potential minerals. It contains Oleic acid, Stearic acid, and Palmitic acid which are useful for us .
Loaded with organic compounds which are biologically active, dark chocolate can help lower blood pressure and improve the flow of blood in your body. It greatly helps in decreasing the levels of oxidised LDL Cholesterol in men. Eating dark chocolate (which has 65 percent polyphenol-rich cocoa) helps to lower blood pressure naturally. Dark chocolate also reduces the level of insulin resistance, which is a very common factor behind the birth of diseases like Diabetes, Cardiovascular disease, and other heart ailments. Dark chocolate also has a high concentration of an alkaloid called theobromine which has stimulant properties and relaxing effects. It can dilate the blood vessels.
Flavanols found in dark chocolate help in improving your heart health by lowering blood pressure and refining the flow of blood to the heart as well as to the brain. They also help in reducing the risk of cancer.
Natural flavonoids in dark chocolate actually boost the “good mood” transmitters in the brain, and boost brain levels of endorphins, too! You know how you feel after a good run? That’s endorphins pumping through your system. A small piece of dark chocolate can mimic this effect.