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Universal flu vaccine comes a step closer



New York: In a major step towards a single flu vaccine that is effective against a broad range of the flu viruses, researchers have identified a strategy to improve existing vaccines against this ever-mutating virus.

It may be possible to harness a previously unknown mechanism within the immune system to create more effective and efficient vaccines against this virus which may ultimately result in a vaccine that provides life long immunity against flu infections, the results said.

Current flu vaccines are only must to be given yearly, there is no guarantee the strains against which they protect will be the ones circulating once the season arrives.

“While the conventional flu vaccine protects only against specific strains, usually three of them, by including modified antibodies within the vaccine it may be possible to elicit broad protection against many strains simultaneously,” said senior study author Jeffrey Ravetch, professor at Rockefeller University in the US.

“We believe these results may represent a preliminary step toward a universal flu vaccine, one that is effective against a broad range of the flu viruses.”

The new strategy revolves around antibodies, and immune proteins that target specific foreign proteins, called antigens.

One end of the antibody latches on to an antigen, the other end, called the Fc region, binds to immune cells and helps coordinate the immune response.

It was already known that chemical modifications to antibodies’ Fc region altered their interactions with immune cells, including B cells, which produce antibodies.

Changes to this region might be used to bolster an immune response: namely the production of more potent antibodies against the flu virus.

The researchers found that sialylated antibodies, meaning sialic acid, an important signalling molecule, has the potential to better a person’s response to the vaccine.

The study was published in the journal Cell.


Covid toll in Karnataka is a worrying sign for state government




Even though Karnataka recorded the lowest number of Covid deaths in April since the virus struck first in 2020, the state is recording a rise in the positivity rate (1.50 per cent). Five people died from the Covid infections in April as per the statistics released by the state health department. In March, the positivity rate stood around 0.53 per cent. In the first week of April it came down to 0.38 per cent, second week registered 0.56 per cent, third week it rose to 0.79 per cent and by end of April the Covid positivity rate touched 1.19 per cent.

on an average 500 persons used to succumb everyday in the peak of Covid infection, as per the data. Health experts said that the mutated Coronavirus is losing its fierce characteristics as vaccination, better treatment facilities and awareness among the people have contributed to the lesser number of Covid deaths.

During the 4th and 6th of April two deaths were reported in Bengaluru, one in Gadag district on April 8, two deaths were reported from Belagavi and Vijayapura on April 30. The first Covid case was reported in the state in March 2020 and three Covid deaths were recorded in the month. In the following month 21 people became victims to the deadly virus, and May 2020 recorded 22 deaths. The death toll recorded everyday after May crossed three digits. However, the third wave, which started in January 2

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