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Decoded: How Malaria parasite enters liver



New York: A cell protein paves the way for the malaria parasite to enter the liver, where it multiplies ten-thousand-fold and is released into the bloodstream, scientists have discovered.

If these results hold up in humans, drugs that target this entry protein might help prevent the spread of disease.

The parasite’s entry route has been traced to specialised liver cells called Kupffer cells.

But exactly how the parasite traverses these cells was not clear till now.

A team of scientists at Johns Hopkins University’s Bloomberg School of Public Health found that a Kupffer cell protein called CD68 is needed for parasite passage and efficient liver infection.

Mice lacking CD68 had 70 percent fewer parasites in their livers compared to intact animals.

“If this reduction is sufficient to substantially limit blood infections (and thus disease), CD68 may represent a potential new drug target in the fight against malaria,” the authors noted in a paper published in The Journal of Experimental Medicine.

Malaria is caused by a parasite called Plasmodium falciparum which is transmitted to humans via mosquito bite.

Passage through the liver is essential for the parasite to establish a productive infection and cause disease.

Recent efforts to limit parasite transmission and increase treatment coverage has reduced the number of malaria-related deaths, but the parasite still causes roughly 200 million new infections and half a million deaths worldwide each year.


Covid toll in Karnataka is a worrying sign for state government




Even though Karnataka recorded the lowest number of Covid deaths in April since the virus struck first in 2020, the state is recording a rise in the positivity rate (1.50 per cent). Five people died from the Covid infections in April as per the statistics released by the state health department. In March, the positivity rate stood around 0.53 per cent. In the first week of April it came down to 0.38 per cent, second week registered 0.56 per cent, third week it rose to 0.79 per cent and by end of April the Covid positivity rate touched 1.19 per cent.

on an average 500 persons used to succumb everyday in the peak of Covid infection, as per the data. Health experts said that the mutated Coronavirus is losing its fierce characteristics as vaccination, better treatment facilities and awareness among the people have contributed to the lesser number of Covid deaths.

During the 4th and 6th of April two deaths were reported in Bengaluru, one in Gadag district on April 8, two deaths were reported from Belagavi and Vijayapura on April 30. The first Covid case was reported in the state in March 2020 and three Covid deaths were recorded in the month. In the following month 21 people became victims to the deadly virus, and May 2020 recorded 22 deaths. The death toll recorded everyday after May crossed three digits. However, the third wave, which started in January 2

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