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Bobby Jindal wants to toss out six Supreme Court judges



Washington: If Indian-American Republican presidential candidate Bobby Jindal has his way he would toss out a half-dozen members of the US Supreme Court, including a couple nominated by Presidents George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan.

After the apex court’s recent 5-4 ruling in favour of same-sex marriage and 6-3 ruling in favour of Obamacare subsidies, the Louisiana governor Jindal said the court appears to be more interested in following public opinion polls than abiding by the Constitution.

Since announcing his candidacy in June, he has suggested that America could save some money by shuttering the court, but on Friday he offered to make a compromise at the RedState Gathering, a convention of Republican officials, in Atlanta, Georgia.

“Hillary Clinton didn’t like that answer,” Jindal said Friday at the RedState Gathering as cited by the Washington Times.

“She thought that was extreme, so I have a compromise: instead of getting rid of the entire Supreme Court what if we got rid of about two-thirds of the Supreme Court.

“I mean there are three justices that got it right,” he said.

“I wouldn’t mind keeping [Samuel] Alito, [Clarence] Thomas and [Antonio] Scalia. It is the other six I wouldn’t mind getting rid of.”

The six members he would remove include Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., nominated by Bush, and Anthony M. Kennedy, nominated by Reagan.

Justices Roberts and Kennedy ruled in favour of the Obamacare subsidies.

Justice Kennedy also supported the same-sex marriage ruling.

Jindal also told the gathering he would “repeal and replace all of Obamacare” and implement a consumer-oriented alternative, according to the Daily Signal.

He called for efforts to secure the border and “crack down on sanctuary cities,” and hold local officials in those cities accountable for flouting federal and state law.

Meanwhile, a Huffington Post columnist suggested that “Bobby Jindal Has Antiquated Views On Immigrant Assimilation”

During Thursday night’s second-tier Republican candidate debate, Jindal proclaimed that “immigration without assimilation is an invasion,” telling immigrants to “learn English, adopt our values, roll up your sleeves and get to work.”

Jindal frequently says that he disagrees with people who don’t think immigrants should assimilate, and he believes that immigrants should not be “hyphenated Americans.”

But many experts and scholars of immigration say his views are from a bygone era, and both the idea and the process of assimilation is complicated, the Post said.


Foodman Vishal Singh Honored for Hunger Free World Mission in Bangkok




Lucknow: Vishal Singh, a renowned social worker from Lucknow, also known as Foodman, has once again made India proud. He was honored by the Happy Hands Gloves Cooperative Limited Company in Korathai, Thailand, for his work with the Hunger Free World Mission.

The Hunger Free World Mission’s meeting was held in Korathai, Thailand, under Vishal Singh’s leadership. Representatives from several countries, including Mr. Raja Dwivedi (Managing Director of Happy Hands Gloves Limited), Thailand Coordinator Mr. Raja Mishra, and member Mr. Varun Singh, attended the event.

Under Vishal Singh’s leadership, the attendees took a pledge to work together toward creating a hunger-free world.

Speaking on the occasion, Vishal Singh explained that the main goal of the Hunger Free World Mission is social participation. He said the mission is not just about feeding people but also about meeting other basic needs of those who are struggling. The mission focuses on helping families of terminally ill patients in hospitals by providing food and shelter. It also works to fulfill essential needs like education, jobs, and care for the elderly.

For the last 16 years, the Vijay Sri Foundation has been providing free services, benefiting thousands of people. Vishal Singh highlighted that the mission aims to gain global recognition like other organizations such as WHO, WWF, and Red Cross, which work for social causes.

During this meeting, Vishal Singh was appointed as the Chairman of the Hunger Free World Mission by representatives from various countries. They also discussed holding regular meetings in different countries to push the mission forward.

Business tycoon Dr. Abhishek Verma has also supported this humanitarian mission, vowing to promote the idea of “Seva Parmo Dharma” (Service is the highest duty) worldwide. Vishal Singh praised him, stating that people like Dr .Abhishek Verma inspire others to work for the betterment of society.

Recently, Romania’s Ambassador, Mr . Daniela Sezonov Ţane, invited Vishal Singh to the Romanian Embassy in Delhi, where they discussed the mission in detail. Impressed by his humanitarian work, she honored Vishal Singh and invited him to Romania to take the mission forward .

Food man Vishal Singh has been serving the people of India for the past 16 years. Through the Vijay Sri Foundation, he provides free meals to cancer patients & their families ,shelter, and education for women & children along with running free old-age homes in Lucknow.

In addition to his humanitarian work, Vishal Singh also addresses issues like crime and corruption through his role as Chairman of Seva Path Media and Managing Director of Vijay Sri Foundation.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Vishal Singh and his team worked tirelessly to provide food and help to the needy, including starving children, elderly citizens, and pregnant women. Despite contracting the virus himself, he continued to assist others after his recovery. He even created a life-saving oxygen regulator using household items, which was praised by doctors both in India and abroad.

In his address at the meeting, Vishal Singh spoke about his mission to create a hunger-free world. He pointed out that India’s large population, along with issues like unemployment and poverty, has caused the country to fall on the Hunger Index. He urged people to contribute just one handful of grains daily to help create a hunger-free world.

He concluded by saying that through social participation, we can empower the people around us, meet their basic needs, and work together to build a stronger, more prosperous, and developed society.

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