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Pakistan to hang Peshawar school massacre plotters



Islamabad: Six militants who plotted and aided Pakistan’s worst ever terrorist attack at a Peshawar school are set to be hanged after Army Chief General Raheel Sharif confirmed their death sentences.

The men, belonging to the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan, were convicted late Thursday for their role in the December 2014 massacre at Peshawar’s Army Public School (APS) that claimed the lives of 151 people, including 141 children, The Nation reported.

They harboured and drove the killers who stormed into the school, raked the assembly hall with machinegun fire and stalked the corridors, shooting children and teachers cowering in their classrooms.

The gunmen were killed by the security forces but the attack left Pakistan in deep shock and provoked international outrage.

Those who aided and abetted them were convicted for their role in this and other attacks in special military courts, established in the wake of the massacre to fast-track terrorist cases, earlier this year.

Their death sentences, however, were delayed following a legal challenge to the constitutional amendment under which the military courts were established.

That challenge was rejected last week when the Supreme Court upheld the 21st Amendment and the military courts created under the Pakistan Army (Amendment) Act 2015.

Its ruling cleared the way for trying suspected terrorists in the new courts but said they must be given fair trails and the right to appeal.

Inter Services Public Relations, late Thursday, said the men were given fair trials. All legal formalities, following their convictions, were completed as well and Raheel Sharif confirmed their sentences.

Those facing the gallows include Hazrat Ali, who was found guilty of killing members of the security forces, kidnappings and raising funds for the APS attack; and Mujeebur Rehman, who abetted an attack on the Pakistan Air Force base in Peshawar and helped transport suicide bombers to the APS.

Others include Sabeel, who supported both attacks, and Moulvi Abdus Salam who was convicted of harbouring the suicide bombers prior to the attacks.

Taj Muhammad was convicted of harbouring the APS suicide bombers.

The sixth terrorist to face execution is Ateequr Rehman.

A seventh Taliban terrorist, Kifayat Ullah, who supported the APS massacre and carried out IED attacks, was jailed for life.


Foodman Vishal Singh Honored for Hunger Free World Mission in Bangkok




Lucknow: Vishal Singh, a renowned social worker from Lucknow, also known as Foodman, has once again made India proud. He was honored by the Happy Hands Gloves Cooperative Limited Company in Korathai, Thailand, for his work with the Hunger Free World Mission.

The Hunger Free World Mission’s meeting was held in Korathai, Thailand, under Vishal Singh’s leadership. Representatives from several countries, including Mr. Raja Dwivedi (Managing Director of Happy Hands Gloves Limited), Thailand Coordinator Mr. Raja Mishra, and member Mr. Varun Singh, attended the event.

Under Vishal Singh’s leadership, the attendees took a pledge to work together toward creating a hunger-free world.

Speaking on the occasion, Vishal Singh explained that the main goal of the Hunger Free World Mission is social participation. He said the mission is not just about feeding people but also about meeting other basic needs of those who are struggling. The mission focuses on helping families of terminally ill patients in hospitals by providing food and shelter. It also works to fulfill essential needs like education, jobs, and care for the elderly.

For the last 16 years, the Vijay Sri Foundation has been providing free services, benefiting thousands of people. Vishal Singh highlighted that the mission aims to gain global recognition like other organizations such as WHO, WWF, and Red Cross, which work for social causes.

During this meeting, Vishal Singh was appointed as the Chairman of the Hunger Free World Mission by representatives from various countries. They also discussed holding regular meetings in different countries to push the mission forward.

Business tycoon Dr. Abhishek Verma has also supported this humanitarian mission, vowing to promote the idea of “Seva Parmo Dharma” (Service is the highest duty) worldwide. Vishal Singh praised him, stating that people like Dr .Abhishek Verma inspire others to work for the betterment of society.

Recently, Romania’s Ambassador, Mr . Daniela Sezonov Ţane, invited Vishal Singh to the Romanian Embassy in Delhi, where they discussed the mission in detail. Impressed by his humanitarian work, she honored Vishal Singh and invited him to Romania to take the mission forward .

Food man Vishal Singh has been serving the people of India for the past 16 years. Through the Vijay Sri Foundation, he provides free meals to cancer patients & their families ,shelter, and education for women & children along with running free old-age homes in Lucknow.

In addition to his humanitarian work, Vishal Singh also addresses issues like crime and corruption through his role as Chairman of Seva Path Media and Managing Director of Vijay Sri Foundation.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Vishal Singh and his team worked tirelessly to provide food and help to the needy, including starving children, elderly citizens, and pregnant women. Despite contracting the virus himself, he continued to assist others after his recovery. He even created a life-saving oxygen regulator using household items, which was praised by doctors both in India and abroad.

In his address at the meeting, Vishal Singh spoke about his mission to create a hunger-free world. He pointed out that India’s large population, along with issues like unemployment and poverty, has caused the country to fall on the Hunger Index. He urged people to contribute just one handful of grains daily to help create a hunger-free world.

He concluded by saying that through social participation, we can empower the people around us, meet their basic needs, and work together to build a stronger, more prosperous, and developed society.

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