Lucknow: Vishal Singh, a renowned social worker from Lucknow, also known as Foodman, has once again made India proud. He was honored by the Happy Hands...
World-renowned business tycoon Dr. Abhishek Verma has supported Foodman Vishal Singh’s Hunger-Free World mission. In memory of his mother, Late Veena Verma, who was a 3...
The RG Marathon Championship Run 2023 in Goa was a testament to inclusivity. Initially resistant to including persons with disabilities, it eventually featured wheelchair and standing...
International online casino Casino Days has published a report sharing their internal data on what types and brands of devices are used to play on the...
The State Scores Extra High on Gaming-Friendly Industry Index Meghalaya scored 92.85 out of 100 possible points in a Gaming Industry Index and proved to be...
Shanghai’s rich middle class is leading a wave of online dissent over the strict and prolonged lockdowns imposed in various parts of the country. Chinese internet...