Reliance Jio has launched several affordable plans that cost less than Rs 100. The telecom major has rolled out prepaid offers providing a slew of benefits...
Mumbai Police has registered a rape case at the city’s DN Nagar Police Station against a man named Kumar Hegde under Sections 376 and 377 of...
In order to make the COVID-19 vaccination drive smoother, WhatsApp has come up with a new feature that allows its users to search for vaccination centres...
The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) is planning to start the PSL-6 in Abu Dhabi from June 5 and all the participating players will undergo a 10-day...
Indian envoy to Russia DB Venkatesh Varma on Saturday (May 21, 2021) announced that the COVID-19 vaccine Sputnik V’s production in India will begin in August...
Nissan India has extended the warranty as well as scheduled/free services of all its cars till July 31, 2021. This move comes in after the recently...
Pulse oximeters are playing a vital role in all our lives these days. In fact, it will not be wrong to say that oximeters have become...
Union Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank on Monday (May 17) discussed various measures adopted for the management of the education system during COVID-19, with School Education...
It has been 27 years since Sushmita Sen won the Miss Universe beauty pageant on May 21, 1994, and made history as she is the first...
Lucknow: Lucknow Municipal Corporation on Wednesday restarted its community kitchen services to provide food packets to needy ones. The community kitchen was inaugurated by City Mayor Sanyukta Bhatia at community centre located in Jiamau,...