The film staring Alia Bhatt and Ajay Devgan as a lead, Gangubai continued its golden run on the box-office. The film recorded a collection of Rs...
Come March 4, Indian stalwart Virat Kohli will be playing his 100th Test match for India. On the doors of achieving an amazing milestone, former Indian...
The Indian Embassy in Poland issued an urgent advisory to Indian nationals in war-torn Ukraine on Wednesday urging them to travel at the earliest to the...
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said that BJP will once again form government in UP with a huge mandate and slammed SP for sympathizing with terrorists and...
Hero Electric, the electric two-wheeler company targets strengthening its portfolio by introducing the all-new Hero Eddy for the discerning consumer. The upcoming scooter is an easy...
The Apple iPhone 13 series was the latest release by the tech company, which puts out a new series of phones every year or so, with...
Cristiano Ronaldo sent his fans into a frenzy after he put his body on full display on his Instagram page – with a live shower session....
As Russian invasion continues in Ukraine, members of hacking group Anonymous have targeted Russian President Vladimir Putin for the war. According to Bloomberg reporter Ryan Gallagher,...
Indian cricket team captain Rohit Sharma has joined the slew of celebrities who bought the Lamborghini Urus. The famed cricketer purchased the car in Blu Eleos...
Mobile messaging platform WhatsApp banned 18.58 lakh Indian accounts in January on the basis of complaints received from users through its grievances division and the company’s...