The tensions between Russia and Ukraine are reaching new highs each hour, with a military attack launched on the latter earlier today. Russia has seemingly imposed...
The Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiyy turned down the US offer to evacuate Kyiv as the Russian forces encircle the capital, Kyiv. After the US asked the...
The Honda H’ness CB350 and CB350RS are now available with major discounts of up to Rs 26,000 in India. However, there is a catch. The offer is...
As the number of Covid cases have reduced, the schools in the city are set to resume with pre-Covid timings from March 2. As per the...
Maruti Suzuki has rolled out an updated WagonR that gets tweaked engines and cosmetic enhancements with prices starting from Rs 5.40 lakh (ex-showroom). There are new...
As the world watched in shock the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan sat in the Kremlin doing what he does best — raising...
Indian captain Mithali Raj will be making her record sixth appearance at 2022 ICC Women’s Cricket World Cup. The Women’s World Cup will start from March...
ony PlayStation users get free games every month. Next month, in March, PlayStation Plus subscribers will get four games, where three will be available for Playstation...
The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology has recently informed that it had banned the operations of 54 Chinese apps in India, including the popular gaming...
Dubai is known for its advancement and sky high and unique designed buildings. Now, the city situated in Middle Eastern Nation has opened its Museum of...