London: By 2040, more than 300 million people will be at high risk of fracture — double the numbers considered at high risk today — placing...
New York: Heavy smoking, poor diet and lack of exercise can put you at increased risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), especially if you have a...
New York: Practicing yoga improves physical and mental wellbeing of people living with arthritis, a painful joint disorder for which there is currently no cure, new research...
New York: Some bacteria residing in our skin may help fight infections caused by chancroid, a sexually transmitted disease (STD) common in the developing world that has...
Seoul: Prolonged sitting such as watching TV and using the computer and other devices as well as reduced physical activity may increase risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver...
London: Regular and heavy smokers have a significantly increased risk of tooth loss, warns a study. Male smokers are up to 3.6 times more likely to lose...
New York: An international team of researchers has identified a gene responsible for bone mineral density and fracture risk. The findings could lead to personalised treatment for...
Melbourne: The part of the brain believed to be integral to learning, memory and mental health is smaller in people who regularly consume unhealthy foods such as...
London: Consuming a diet rich in cocoa flavanols could improve cardiovascular function and lessen the burden on the heart that comes with ageing and stiffening of...
New Delhi: Wearing the right kind of shoes during the various stages of pregnancy is a must. You can choose from an array of shoes like crocs...