During the recent festive season, the Indian Railways operated more than 100 special trains connecting various cities across the country. On Tuesday, though, the railways announced the...
Filmmaker Rohit Shetty’s masala entertainer Sooryavanshi has hit a jackpot at the Box Office with its theatrical release, ending days of lull induced by the COVID-19...
Nora Fathei is a fantastic dancer and an equally charismatic fashionista. As she has a large fan base, the actress frequently treats her admirers with gorgeous...
On Wednesday, Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath flagged off the trial run of the Kanpur Metro. According to the Chief Minister, soon, the people of the...
Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai confirmed on Tuesday that she is now a married woman. “Today marks a precious day in my life. Asser and...
A pre-wedding photo shoot turned horribly wrong in Rajasthan on Tuesday after four people including the bride and the groom got stuck in a gushing waterfall...