Samantha Ruth Prabhu, who recently announced her separation from Akkineni Naga Chaitanya, stood up for herself in these tough situations. She has now filed defamation cases...
Team India star opener Rohit Sharma, who is leading the side against Australia in the T20 World Cup 2021 warm-up match, on Wednesday (October 20) provided...
The fuel prices in India are skyrocketting with petrol and diesel reaching an all time high. While diesel is touching Rs 100 per litre, petrol is...
Apple iPhone 12 has been one of company’s most successful iterations of its smartphone line. Even as the newest model, iPhone 13 has hit the markets,...
Desten, a Hong Kong-based battery company, recently teased its new battery tech which it claims will be able to charge from 0-80 percent in under four...
Australian pacer, James Pattinson, 31, has announced a shock retirement from international cricket ahead of the Ashes 2021-22. Pattinson, whose career has been marred by injuries...