Actor Saif Ali Khan who had recently featured on ‘The Kapil Sharma Show’, had a complaint with the host and ace comedian Kapil Sharma. In a...
Khuda Haafiz fame Vidyut Jamwal personal life has been making a huge buzz ever since he officially announced and also confirmed his engagement with fashion designer...
According to researchers from Quebec Illinois and Texas to prevent the spread of COVID 19 indoors the two metres physical distancing guideline is not enough without...
International Cricket Council (ICC) on Sunday (October 10) announced the cash prize for the upcoming Men’s T20 World Cup 2021 and according to it, the winners...
Nitin Gadkari, Union Minister for Roads and Highways, has invited Elon Musk’s Tesla to come and manufacture electric cars in the country and has stated that...
Reliance Industries chairperson Mukesh Ambani, who is India’s richest person since 2008, has now joined Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos in the world’s most exclusive wealth...