Anushka took to Instagram to express her happiness after India’s historic win against England. In one of these photos, the expressions of Virat Kohli are worth...
Ensuring safety, dignity and self-reliance, the flagship programme of CM Yogi-led Uttar Pradesh Government, ‘Mission Shakti’ has set a new landmark in women’s empowerment. Assuring once...
Purvanchal is catching up fast with Western Uttar Pradesh in sugarcane production, thanks to Yogi government’s farmer-friendly policies aimed at enhancing their income. According to the...
Apple’s iPhone 13 smartphone is set to be launched in the market soon. If reports are to be believed, the iPhone 13 series will be launched...
Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan is celebrating his 52nd birthday today with his family. Sara Ali Khan often shares posts for Saif on social media and...
The Uttar Pradesh Government is leaving no stone unturned in transforming the lives of Vantangiya community. Making their lives much easier and comfortable, CM Yogi has...