Superstar Shah Rukh Khan’s wife and famous interior designer Gauri Khan recently turned photographer for daughter Suhana and the pictures look fab. The stunning photoshoot was...
Tata HBX is expected to be launched just a few days before Diwali to cash in on the bumper sales usually achieved during the festive season....
If you do not want to spend a fortune on current flagship smartphones, luckily, there are still loads of options in India. Over the years, OEMs...
Weightlifting – Women’s 49Kg A look at the final results. 12:01 (IST) Badminton men’s doubles Seventh match point for India after the Taipei pair err...
Cristiano Ronaldo has a massive fanbase across the world as he is easily one of the most popular footballers in the world, if not the most...
Portugal captain Cristiano Ronaldo is enjoying a much-deserved break with his supermodel girlfriend Georgina Rodriguez after the disappointment of failing to defend the UEFA Euro Championship...