Reliance Jio has launched several affordable plans that cost less than Rs 100. The telecom major has rolled out prepaid offers providing a slew of benefits...
Mumbai Police has registered a rape case at the city’s DN Nagar Police Station against a man named Kumar Hegde under Sections 376 and 377 of...
In order to make the COVID-19 vaccination drive smoother, WhatsApp has come up with a new feature that allows its users to search for vaccination centres...
The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) is planning to start the PSL-6 in Abu Dhabi from June 5 and all the participating players will undergo a 10-day...
Indian envoy to Russia DB Venkatesh Varma on Saturday (May 21, 2021) announced that the COVID-19 vaccine Sputnik V’s production in India will begin in August...
Nissan India has extended the warranty as well as scheduled/free services of all its cars till July 31, 2021. This move comes in after the recently...