Rome : An Italian town hit by a deadly earthquake is pursuing legal action against the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo for defamation over a series of...
Paris: French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo has been criticised for publishing a cartoon depicting the death of three-year-old Syrian toddler Aylan Kurdi as its own controversial take...
Los Angeles: From George Clooney to Helen Mirren and Jared Leto – Hollywood celebrities at the 72nd Golden Globe award ceremony Sunday night expressed their solidarity...
London: A number of shots were reportedly fired in Paris as police chased a car in which gunmen, who killed 12 people at the office of...
Paris: The youngest of the three suspects in the attack on Charlie Hebdo, a satirical magazine here, has surrendered voluntarily, a media report said. The 18-year-old...
Bogota: The UN and the governments of the Americas condemned Wednesday’s deadly attack on a French satirical weekly as as assault on the universal rights of...
Paris: A major manhunt has been launched for three gunmen who shot dead 12 people at the Paris office of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo....
Paris: In the French media terror attack at least 12 people were killed while four others were injured due to the shooting at the Paris office...