During the lockdown an Odisha police officer recently traveled from Barchana to Puri in a stolen SUV with his family and threatened a constable for barging...
Lucknow: Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Limited (IRCTC) have decided to provide its passengers a new offer for visiting Jagannathpuri temple and Gangasagar religious place at...
Puri: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday invited internationally acclaimed sand artist Sudarsan Pattnaik to train the youth of Gujarat in sand art. “The prime minister invited...
Bhubaneswar: The NHRC has sought a report from the Indian Coast Guard and the Odisha government over discontinuation of sea patrolling along the Odisha coast in the...
Bhubaneswar: Normal life was thrown out of gear in Odisha as the Congress on Friday called a shutdown protesting against the mismanagement of “Brahma Parivartan” rituals at...