Ahmedabad: Once home to dinosaurs, Balasinor, a city located in Mahisagar district of Gujarat, is a real-life Jurassic Park. This has been asserted by the fact...
Lucknow: If you are a Science enthusiasts and want to explore something adventures then here is a news for your interest, as very soon you can...
Beijing: A team of palaeontologists working in China has unearthed the fossil remains of the winged dinosaur – a close cousin of the Velociraptor – which was...
Mumbai: Internationally acclaimed actor Irrfan Khan, who is currently busy shooting for the upcoming Hollywood film “Inferno” in Budapest, took some time out from his busy...
Los Angeles: The makers of American television series “Sesame Street” takes a dig on “Jurassic Park”, just days ahead of the release of the new installment of...
New Delhi: Cinematic genius and visionary filmmaker Steven Spielberg says his 1993 released film “Jurassic Park” was a benchmark for Hollywood. He even feels that upcoming venture...